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The Lazarus Project is currently in Phase 1 of construction. This phase includes engineering and construction plans, environmental impact plan, site preparation including sewage and water drainage, construction permits, site grading, power supply installation, plumbing system installation and construction of the center.
Estimated costs: $865,000 USD.


This Phase will require funding to hire personnel including clinicians and campus staff, purchase office equipment, dormitory furniture, office furniture, kitchen supplies, one full size pick-up truck and one 15 passenger van, recreation supplies and equipment, gardening supplies, purchase and installation of security system.
Estimated costs: $400,000 USD.

For naming opportunities or to inquire about sponsoring specific components of each phase please contact Dr. Pedro R. Payne at

El Proyecto LĆ”zaro no serĆ­a posible sin nuestros socios y el apoyo financiero de personas como usted. 

Ā”Considere hacer una donaciĆ³n para apoyar este proyecto y hacer una diferencia positiva en la vida de alguien!


"El rey responderƔ: 'En verdad os digo que todo lo que hicisteis por uno de estos hermanos mƭos mƔs pequeƱos, lo hicisteis por mƭ'".


Mateo 25:40


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o tarjeta de crĆ©dito. 


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